The IMDb Top 100 Movies Challenge 2015

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EDIT: Well this isn’t working out as planned. Looks like I’ll just randomly watch these movies and use the original challenge as a checklist of sorts. 


So I’m going to watch 100 movies in one year and review them all on this blog. Sounds ambitious right? It definitely is! I call it The IMDb Top 100 Movies Challenge 2015.

I know this sounds like one of those #100HappyDays things, but it isn’t. This is something I have been meaning to try for quite some time now. And since I’m doing it, why not use it as a way to generate some good, wholesome content for the blog?

IMDb has a list of movies sorted on the ratings given by regular users across the world and although this is far from a definitive list, it is something. It ranges from classics like Gone With The Wind to more recent films like Interstellar. Having browsed the list in its entirety, there are a lot of movies that deserve their spots and quite a few that have been missed out. But that’s natural. After all, there are only so many movies we can rank in a list. I decided to go with IMDb because it is the most recognized apart from Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic. I would much rather go with RT, but I thought IMDb would cater to a wider audience. Even though I don’t agree with every choice, it will be a good experience. Also, I’ve dialed it down from 250 to a hundred, so I actually have a good chance of completing the list.

That being said, I will be starting tonight and the first review for Some Like It Hot (1959) will be posted in a couple of days. A Marilyn Monroe comedy film is not the way I would have imagined my list would start, but I’m not complaining.
What I really am pleased with is that all three of the original Star Wars and Lord of the Rings movies are on the list. Looking forward to posting my thoughts on them in due time.

Since IMDb’s list is constantly being updated to reflect votes by the users, odds are that the list will change somewhere along the road. So I’ve taken the list from the second day of 2015 as the one I will follow and I will add the static list here on my blog. You can check it out any time using the following link:


Feel free to join me along the way. That way you can experience some of the most amazing movies our dear planet has to offer. Subscribe to the blog to keep up with the latest and drop a comment down below and let me know what you think. Regardless, can’t wait to spam your Newsfeed with my posts!



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  1. January 13

    Interesting idea! How often do they update that list? It might turn into a never-ending project!

  2. January 13

    Its updated real-time as the votes change for each movie across the website. Which is why I decided to take the list from January 2nd and use it as a static list throughout the challenge.

  3. January 13

    Good choice. There are some great movies on there! I look forward to reading about your progress through the list.

  4. Abhirup
    January 14

    You’re gonna have one helluva year. Enjoy :)

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